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Wallet Settings

To enable the wallet for store builder select the drop page from the list.


Go to the Wallet Settings tab and here are three options you can select for users to signin/signup:

  • Email & Password
  • Crypto Wallets
  • Social Media


In the "Email & Password" option a user can signup/signin with email and password.

In the "Crypto Wallets" option a user can signup/signin with crypto wallets like Metamask, Coinbase and Wallet Connect.

In "Social Media" a user can signup/signin with social logins like Google and Facebook account.


For the Social Media option you have to provides client ID and client Secret key. You can get the ID and key by follow the instructions.


Add the the client ID and secret key the selected media(s) and click Save button. And your wallet settings updated successfully. step5

Get Client ID & Secret From Google

If you had not set up the Google login, first set up Google login here.

To get client ID and client secret go to Google Developer dashboard.

Open the app you have created in the first step.

Copy client ID and client secret.

Set up Google Login

To setup Google login, first you have to setup an OAuth 2.0 app. Here are the Google instructions for setting up OAuth 2.0.

Get Client ID & Secret from Facebook

If you have not set up Facebook login, first set up Facebook login here.

To get client ID and client secret go to Faceboook dashboard.

Open the app you have created in the first step.

Copy client ID and client secret.

Set up Facebook Login

To set up Facebook login, you have to create Facabook app. Here are the Facebook instructions for create Facebook app.